Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Premium Beautiful : Pop-Corn

Jom share2  Resepi POP CORN yg mudah...
anak2 suka mkn pop-corn kan...
let's do it at home

Petang td shida berkesempatan g kelas masak2....
menu pertama: Homemade Pop-Corn

1sudu besar mentega/planta
1cup jagung untuk pop-corn

step 1:
panaskanmentega/planta dlm kuali INSPIRE
bila ia cair masukkan jagung 
kacau2, bila sebiji 2 mula POP..melenting2
tutup kuali td dan tunggu ia POP POP POP 
skali-skali buka (berhati2) kacau supaya semua akan POP POP

layan gambar ni...

setelah siap macam picture no:4... 

kita buat air gula pulak bg yg suka manis...

layan pic lagi..

3-4sudu gula
1sudu besar mentega/planta
cairkan...bila betol2 cair..letakkan pop-corn yg kita siapkan td
gaul sebati...
it's ready to eat.............

selamat mencuba.....

esok shida nak share resepi buat pizza pulak.....
sgt mudah...
tunggu yer

sms me 019-9639884

Friday, 7 December 2012

Premium Beautiful: BB Plus Collogen

Kologen yg seimbang untuk kulit muda berseri..
jom kita tengok apa dia BB Plus ni??

jom tgk camana BB Plus tuu??

premium beautiful

7 hasil BB Plus menjadikan kulit cantik :
1. Kulit wajah berseri & cerah
2. Kulit lebih anjal dan tegang
3. Kulit lebih halus & gebu
4. Kulit lebih lembab
5. Kulit lebih licin
6. Kulit lebih cepat sembuh & pulih
7. Kulit kurang kesan kerosakan akibat sinaran matahari

Uolss tgk packing exclusive BB Plus ni... 

premium beautiful

selain packing yg cantik, mari kita tgk macamana ia berfungsi...


Harga BB Plus
1 unit : rm180 (20 paket)

Dapat kan stok BB Plus anda atau berminat untuk jd pengedar
sila sms/call 019-9639884

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Premium Beautiful Wash


shida nak bg PB wash free kat sape yg nak....
sila pm shida @019-9639884

premium beautiful

dengan setiap belian PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL set

atau,...anda berminat untuk berbisness
jom jana pendapatan mcm saya
sila pm untuk appointment anda

mY Big Group

this is my BIG GREEN group.......................
wow...i never imagine that i am in the big, young beauties group
on the 20th Anniversary of the company
i was amazed...............

this is my top group
premium beautiful

this is my big group...
see how big we are......

premium beautiful

and this is me and my CDM
premium beautiful

and.......i will be like them all too..................
come, lets build our own dreams
lets work for it

and you're on right path

sms me @019-9639884 
for the appointment to set ur own bisness 

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Big Event 24 November 2012

WOW....................that's what can I say about the event that I attended yesterday....let me tell you more about it...

It was 20th Anniversary of the company event....
awesome,great,glamour,superb and enjoy

with the Theme of BLACK and RED,
that's what captured my eyes when I arrived
premium beautiful
Looked around..its all RED & Black

premium beautiful
Everyone were on Black & Red with their own glamour dresses

Then when we entered the Stadium Malawati, it was full with crowd of people
the SMs,SSMs,DSMs,CDMs were gathered here
lets layan pics at the event
premium beautiful
Crowded of people
Just got our seat..fuhh lega. panjat sampai level 3 baru dpt seat tau

The opening with the company logo -Burung Camar

The MC of the day

That's enough for this entry..
need to rest coz the journey go-and-back TRG-KL-TRG a bit tiring

sms me to know more,to earn more, to learn more about the biz...
019-9639884 shida

GLG is the best